Creating Catalogs

Catalogs are the containers for all the objects that are created in the Glossary Workspace. They enable you to group glossary objects based on your organization's projects, departments, or functions. Therefore, before creating glossary objects, you need to create a catalog. You can also create sub-catalogs to categorize glossary objects further.

To create catalogs, follow these steps:

  1. In the browser pane, click the type of glossary object that you want to create.
    For example, Business Term. The Workspace switches to the glossary object view.
  2. In the Workspace pane, right-click the top-level glossary object node.
  3. Click New Catalog.
    The New Catalog page appears.
  4. Enter Catalog Name and Catalog Description.
  5. For example:

    • Catalog Name - Customers Business
    • Catalog Description - The catalog contains business terms of the organization.
  6. Click .
    A catalog is created and added to the catalog tree.

Once a catalog has been created, you can manage it using the options available on right-clicking the catalog. Managing catalogs involves:

  • Creating sub-catalogs
  • Editing catalogs
  • Importing or exporting catalogs
  • Assigning users
  • Viewing workflow