Configuring Release and Release Object Statuses

You can create multiple release and release object statuses to manage your releases in the Release Manager.

To configure release status and release object status, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > MiscellaneousSettings > Release Manager.
  2. Click Release Status.
  3. The Release Status Listing appears.

  4. Click to define a new status.
  5. The New Release Status page appears.

  6. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  7. Field Name



    Status Title


    Enter a small description of the release object.



    Live Date is autofilled and it is same as the live date of the release.

    Enter the Live Time in HH : MM format.

    Release Status

    Text Colour

    Click the cell and select the desired text colour for the Release Status.


    Click the cell and select the desired background colour for the Release Status.

    Border Color

    Click the cell and select the desired border colour for the Release Status.

    Border Type

    Select the desired border type for the Release Status.


    You can view the preview of the release status based on your above selections.

    Migration Object Status

    Text Colour

    Click the cell and select the desired text colour for the Object Status.


    Click the cell and select the desired background colour for the Object Status.

    Border Colour

    Click the cell and select the desired border colour for the Object Status.

    Border Type

    Select the desired border type for the Object Status.


    You can view the preview of the release status based on your above selections.

  8. Click .
  9. The new release/release object status is created and saved in the Release Status Listing.

  10. To edit the release status, click .
  11. To delete the release status, click .
  12. To view history details, click .