Define Db2 LUW Event Monitor Properties

Use the Db2 for LUW Event Monitor Editor to specify Db2 UDB event monitor properties. You can create monitors to monitor various database events, activities, locking, statistics, threshold violations, and unit of work.

To define Db2 LUW event monitor properties

  1. Right-click an Event Monitor in the Model Explorer and select Properties.

    The Db2 for LUW Event Monitor Editor opens.

  2. Select an event monitor and work with the following options:

    Note: Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the toolbar to create an event monitor. Use the Enter filter text text box to filter a large list of names to locate the one you want to work with.


    Specifies the name of the event monitor.


    Specifies the type of event to monitor. Select from the drop-down list; valid values are: Database Events, Activities, Locking, Statistics, Threshold Violations, and Unit of Work.


    Specifies whether or not to generate DDL for this object during Forward Engineering.

  3. Click the General tab to specify event monitor properties, when the Type is Database Events:
    Monitor Database

    Specifies whether or not to monitor database events.

    Monitor Tables

    Specifies whether or not to monitor tables.

    Monitor Deadlocks Type

    Specifies whether or not to monitor deadlocks. Select the type of deadlock from the drop-down list; valid values are: Deadlock, Deadlock with Details, Deadlock with Details and History, Deadlock with Details and History Values.

    Monitor Tablespaces

    Specifies that the event monitor records a tablespace event for each tablespace when the last application disconnects from the database.

    Monitor Bufferpools

    Specifies that the event monitor records a buffer pool event when the last application disconnects from the database.

    Monitor Connections

    Specifies that the event monitor records a connection event when an application disconnects from the database.

    Connection Filter

    Defines a filter that determines which connections cause a CONNECTION event to occur. If the result of the event condition is TRUE for a particular connection, then that connection will generate the requested events.

    Monitor Statements

    Specifies that the event monitor records a statement event whenever a SQL statement finishes executing.

    Statement Filter

    Defines a filter that determines which connections cause a STATEMENT event to occur. If the result of the event condition is TRUE for a particular connection, then that connection will generate the requested events.

    Monitor Transactions

    Specifies that the event monitor records a transaction event whenever a transaction completes (that is, whenever there is a commit or rollback operation).

    Transactions Filter

    Defines a filter that determines which connections cause a TRANSACTION event to occur. If the result of the event condition is TRUE for a particular connection, then that connection will generate the requested events.

  4. Click the Other Options tab and work with the following options:
    Output Type

    Specifies where you want to store the event monitor data. Select an output type (or target) from the drop-down list. Valid values are Table, Pipe, or File.

    File Name

    Specifies the name of the file, when file is selected as the output type. You can also specify the Pipe Name in this field.

    Max Files

    Specifies the maximum number of event files that the selected event monitor permits in an event path. Only relevant when file is selected as the output type.

    Max File Size

    Specifies the maximum file size (in 4k pages) that each event file can attain before the event monitor creates a file. Only relevant when file is selected as the output type.

    Buffer Size

    Indicates the size of the buffer (in 4k pages) when file is selected as output type.

    Is Blocking Enabled

    Specifies whether or not the output is blocked. Select the check-box to indicate that the output is blocked. If the output is blocked, it ensures that there is no data loss.

    File Action

    For file output, indicates how existing event data is handled. Select a file action from the drop-down list, valid values are Append and Replace.

    Start Type

    Indicates if the event monitor is activated automatically or manually when the database starts. Select a start type from the drop-down list, valid values are Manual and Auto.

    Database Partition

    Indicates the database partition on which the event monitor runs and logs events.


    Indicates the scope of the event monitor, whether it is local or global. Select a value from the drop-down list. A local event monitor only monitors events that occur on the current database partition, whereas a global event monitor monitors on all database partitions.

  5. Click the Event Monitor Group tab and work with the following options, when the Output Type is Table:

    Specifies the name of the event monitor group that the event monitor belongs to. Select an existing group or create a group.


    Specifies the schema that is associated with the event monitor group.

  6. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments that you want to associate with the object.
  7. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the object.
  8. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view and edit user notes.
  9. Click Close.

    The Db2 for LUW Event Monitor Editor closes.

More Information:

Add a Comment in a Property Editor

Add a UDP in a Physical Property Editor