Defining MariaDB Functions

The following properties are applicable to a MariaDB Function object.




Additional Information

General Is_Aggregate Specifies whether the function is an aggregate  
Definer Specifies the MySQL account to be used to check access privileges at function execution  
Data_Access Specifies the way data is accessed by SQL statements in the function statement

Contain_Sql: Indicates that the function contains at least one SQL statement. However, it does not read or write any data to the database.

No_Sql: NA.

Read_Sql_Data: Indicates that the function only reads the data stored in the database. It does not modify the data.

Modifies_Sql_Data:Indicates that the function contains SQL statements that might modify data in the database.

Security_Type Specifies the privilege that is used when the function is called

Invoker: Indicates that the privileges of the account that invokes the function must be used.

Definer: Indicates that the privileges of the account that defined the function must be used.

Language Specifies the language used for the function Note: MariaDB only supports SQL as language.
Is Deterministic Specifies whether the function always returns the same results for a given parameters list  
Return_Type Specifies the return type of the function  


Parameters Indicates the list of function parameters  
Physical Data Type Specifies the data type of a parameter