Defining MariaDB Stored Procedures

The following properties are applicable to a MariaDB Stored Procedure object.




Additional Information

General Definer Specifies the MySQL account to be used to check access privileges at procedure execution  
Language Specifies the language used for the function Note: MariaDB only supports SQL as language.
Is_Deterministic Specifies whether the stored procedure always returns the same results for a given parameters list  
SQL Data Access Specifies the way data is accessed by SQL statements in the function statement

Contain_Sql: Indicates that the procedure contains at least one SQL statement. However, does it does not read or write any data to the database.

No_Sql: NA.

Read_Sql_Data: Indicates that the procedure only reads the data stored in the database. It does not modify the data.

Modifies_Sql_Data:Indicates that the procedure contains SQL statements that might modify data in the database.

Security_Type Specifies the privilege that is used when the procedure is called

Invoker: Indicates that the privileges of the account that invokes the procedure must be used.

Definer: Indicates that the privileges of the account that defined the procedure must be used.


Parameters Indicates the list of procedure parameters  
Type Specifies the type of the parameter The type can be Input, Output, or Input Output.
Physical Data Type Specifies the data type of a parameter